June 13, 1918                             

Pierre S Dak                            


Well I will write a few lines this morning we are a bout as well as comen grand ma has bin feeling pretty porley for the last two or three days I suppose you now that we had a fire and demolishe oure water works so it has made the water question pretty series to get drinking water.

We have had some little In oure hydren all of the time hugh and some of his neare neighbors went to work the other day and put down a well just a few rods north of hughes house so that is a big help to a great many there ar hauling water a round over town in barrels them that has barrels and a way to haul it)  they are putting in a sixty horse power tractor ingen so I guess there will be enough of water after while for house use)  Dont send the horse down tell we get plenty of water.  I suppose you know that It has bin hot that is all for this time

                                              From grand pa

[This letter is to Willis Green from John S. Green - SG]