July 28, 1918

Pierre S Dak


I received youre card the other day was glad to here that you were getting a long all right and I hope you will continue to improve.  Well I have bin on the sick list for a bout a week.  I had a light attack of the colory marbus but I am all right a gain.  grand Ma is sick in bed the most of the time mae and will dodg is out in the hills they will be back a bout the first of august and then will is going on home and mae is going to stay with us till her mother gets better


Monday Morning 29

or that was the arrangements when they left here for the hills .  I was out at the place a bout a week and we shelled a sack of corn and we tucked it to the mill and had it fround that rod in the jump came out while I was up there and we got it out and we got it fixed and I think it will be all right till you get home  I was talking to madge this morning and she said they were getting a long all right

 So I guess I have said all for this time let us here from you when you can


J. S. Green