Okobojo So Dak.

Thurs. morn.                                                                            June 8, '22


My Dear Will,

    Cathie is reading proof and I will start a letter to you.  We will soon have another edition of the Times off the press.  

    We had a fine rain last night, Frank Ripley says that the creek has raised two feet, partly from a rain up above last week.

    The church social turned out fine, raised $26.00, a few stand patters did not come, but most of the families were represented, we are taking up the project of moving the parsonage and building about a ten foot extension on one end, putting up a steeple and moving in.  I hope we can swing it. Bunche's (A.J.'s) are going to move to Pierre this winter, Mr. B. has got in the notion and is ready and raring.  Willis worked for In??? yesterday, he has been getting up early and working hard and is therefore cross, but he can't get any crosser than I can if I take the notion, He and George are having trouble over this ancam??? chick.

Afternoon.  Well the papers are in the sock, George has swept the office and is now writing to you.  He took the pen and ink so I will write with a pencil.

The mail from Blunt hasn't come yet. and I guess I will go home and work in the garden if it is not too wet.  We had radishes and lettuce both for dinner.

Mr. McGannon's farther, mother sister and little boy phoned that they were in Pierre this morning and consequently the house of McG is all excited, it is quite a surprise party.  They were hurrying to get their new home done before they came.

The Woman's Club met at Yungs yesterday, nobody goes from here anymore but, Lumleys, Bertha and Crawfords, Edwina & Mrs. McMacken. 

Well I will close for today and wait for my letter.  Are the doctors giving you any medicine?

                                                    With Love,
