Pierre S. D May 13, 98 Well boys we received you letter yesterday and of corse was glad to here you was all right wee are all well I have not saw Hugh but once since you left home, well wee are expecting Vine next Tuesday and then we will have a good time I suppose Haw[?] and Alice and the children was down 2 days last weeks and Darb and the little Girl came down this week the girl is here yet and I dont know how long she will stay Il bet you would laugh to here her talk and Darb looks older than your pa and talks Just as he always did he says bof[?] of us I like his wife verry well I guess she is all rite she is quite a talker. Mat has not come down yet. I want to go up there and make a visit with Vine if I can. I have not done any thing at cleaning house yet and dont know that I will unless I can have some help the garden is not doing much good yet it has ben so cold it is raining some this morning well I would like to know what kind of cook you have and who he is I am afraid he is not very good I heard that Frankey the kid had lost 15 lbs That is a good deel for one week. Well I hope you wont get Home sick and I hope you wont have to be gone verry long be Good Boys and take care of your selves and write often. your Mother S J Green To the Boys W.H., C.B. |