Pierre S. D.

                                                                                                                               July 27, 98

Well Boys I will write a few lines  So you will know That I am Still here, 

To day is a little cooler and I have been wassing and got done before 10 oclock dont you think I did well, well Charlie wee got the express packeg all right and I guess your Pa and Grand Ma will be well pleased with there's presants they are verry nice but I cant see what you think I want with those horid looking things you Sent me but I will take good care of them and you can have them to ornament your Parlor with when you get back  I have got them Standing on the table in the corner of the front room well

 Charlie I am more than pleased with the little Stove and if I can get an oven for it I will do the most of my cooking on it I dont do verry much unless Some one comes,  Well you wanted to know if Nellie Mosely had ben to See us yet yes She and her husband were here the first day She was in town She is the same old girls   Kim is in a telegraph office but I dont remember the place, well I want you Boys to write and tell us all about your trip, you wanted to know why I dont get a little girl to Stay with me well I would as Soon Stay alone as to be bothered with one unless I could have one to Suit me I get along all right  the girls next door comes in

comes every day and I get time to read all the news So dont get lonesome only when I get the blues  I expect I could get Darbs girl but he is away and hes  Mother needs her and She is not the kind of a girl I want any way I dont think your pa will have to be a way verry much any way now

Hugh Says he has written to you Boys twics and he cant See why it is you dont get them he was up the other night a little while Said he was all alone and couldent Stay long he came to bring the mail  he Said he wished that  he was with you boys but he is haveing an easy time he says the work just Suits hem and it is not hard but he has got to be there

well I guess I have written about all I can think this time  Your pa will tell all the news of importance he is down town now and I supose he will come home full of news I mean

well Boys our trees and yard look nice but the garden is nearly all spoiled wee will have a few things of course it was the hot winds that did it now dont forget to write often you know we are anxious to here from you


                                                Love To all The boys 

                                                            S,, I,  Green

                                           To W H and C B Green