Some people think the kids today
Are getting worse in every way;
But I think kids are just the same,
As when their Granddads played the game.
When Granddad ran his wildest course
With Model T and saddle horse.
He didn't have the kind of power,
To go a hundred miles an hour.
But don't you think that if he had
He might've been worse or just as bad
As kids today that go their pace,
And down the highways wildly race.
Now in the days when Grandpa went
He earned what little cash he spent
Which usually was a small amount
And never had a bank account
And so he didn't stretch his luck
He knew the value of a buck.
Now if we'd get it through our dome
That most the trouble starts at home
Most every night the kids must go
With too much car and too much dough
With little thought of Pa or Ma
And no respect for any law.
If kids were taught when they were small
That laws should be obeyed by all,
There wouldn't be so many wrecks
And Doctors fixing broken necks.
If we would take the kids and show
Them just what's meant by stop and go,
And why we have the road patrol
It might help us to keep control.
But we can always hope they will
Drive safely over screwball hill
And I still think the kids will be
As good a folks as you and me.