Our new house is built to order
And every things just right.
But it's sure big and lonesome,
When you sit alone at night.
There's the table stands and sofa.
There's the paper, lamps and chair.
But a house is just plumb empty,
When the ones you love aren't there.
The cook stove and the furnace,
Both are run by gas or steam,
And comforts of the present,
Seem only like a dream.
But I'd trade this little "dream house"
In a minute if I could.
And go back to shacks and shanties,
Packing coal and chopping wood.
I would live on beans and bacon,
Smoke bull durham and wouldn't care.
If the house was full of something,
And my friends were waiting there.
The plants all look downhearted,
The pictures seem to stare.
Soft music on the radio,
Is Just a steady blare.
The whole house seems deserted.
Filled with nothing everywhere,
'Cause a house is big and empty,
When the ones you love aren't there.