

We leave behind youths joy and tears
As we accept life's twilight years
We take invoice of things we've done
Deeds good and bad since life begun.
As we read the bible it's good to believe
That we all are descendants of Adam and Eve
Who lived in Eden and got the boot
For feasting on God's forbidden fruit.
So ever since the world began
No one's lived that didn't sin
Except the Savior and they say He
Died on tee cross at Calvary.
God sent us his Son to show the way
The right from wrong and how to pray.
Two trails to follow as we will
The easy road and the path up hill,
Each is judged from the day of birth
By the life he lived down here on earth.
So it isn't up to us to say
Who will be called on judgment day.
Buildings of marble, brick or sod
Church is church where you worship God.

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