Willis, Cathie and George Green ca. 1929

A Toast To The Old Pioneers 

 By George Green ca. 1958


...Oh, its many a day since that memorable year

      When those first early settlers unloaded their gear;

With sweat on their brows and dust on their boots,

      Watched the sun slowly set or'e the Fort Sully Buttes.


But time has a habit of loping right through,

      And the old steps aside to make room for the new.

Where the Colt .45 once was law by demand,

      Jet fighters patrol; keeping watch or'e the land.


And here as we watch this antiquity show

      Of how and who done it a long time ago;

We thrill to our thoughts of the old Pioneers

      Who founded this town with both laughter and tears.


...So, backward, turn backward, oh time, in thy pace,

      While we look at sunbonnets and ruffles and lace,

And glimpse through a mist those illustrious years,

      With a prayer in our hearts for the Old Pioneers.


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