

The cancer is a cowering sneak 
Who causes much despair 
It sometimes grows upon us 
Before we know it's there. 
Then like a villain in the night 
Spreads forth it's deadly vines. 
And we who have to track it down 
Must learn the seven signs. 
If we should notice symptoms 
Arrangements should be made 
To see the family Doctor 
And join in the crusade. 
That cancer can be cured 
Has been proved beyond a doubt 
If treated while they're little 
They can usually kill 'em out
They are like a burning forest
When compared they're just the same
A big fire is always started
By a tiny spark or flame,
If you should notice symptoms
Then to your Doctor go 
Don't be afraid he'll tell you 
Something you don't want to know. 
The cancer and the forest fire 
Are hazards that we dread 
And both are hard to handle 
If they have a chance to spread. 
Any signs or any signal 
Should never be ignored 
Always ask yourself a question 
When you see the flaming sword. 
If someone rings your door bell 
Man the guns and clear the deck 
Save your life, a friend or loved one 
With a Check-up and a Check.

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